Rapid diagnostic tools

Improved diagnosis is one way to reduce inappropriate and unnecessary antibiotic prescribing

Rapid diagnostics can support the optimal use of antibiotics in primary care12. Diagnostics are seen to have an important role in helping physicians to make appropriate antibiotic treatment decisions. A rapid diagnostic test can indicate whether a patient has a bacterial infection.

Interventions such as CRP point-of-care testing can help promote a more prudent use of antibiotics. Use of CRP point-of-care tests have been shown to significantly reduce antibiotic prescribing for lower respiratory tract infections without compromising either patients' recovery or satisfaction with care.

Rapid diagnostics leads to less diagnostic uncertainty while improving patient satisfaction through quicker diagnosis, better management and better service.

Developing diagnostics to optimise antibiotic prescribing has been highlighted in the antibiotic-resistance strategies of the WHO, the UN, the EU and the White house.

Learn about our diagnostic tools that support the optimal use of antibiotics.